Hướng dẫn ôn tập môn Tiếng anh lớp 4 - Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Du (Đề số 01)

I. Read and match:                                                                                       

1. What are you going to do in the Lunar New Year?   a. Hi, Bobby. Nice to meet you.

2. Let’s play computer games.                                b. It’s in January.   

3. Can you play soccer well?                                 c. I love soccer because I like kicking.

4. This is Bobby. He’s from the USA.                    d. I’m going to get lucky money.

5. Do you want to fly a kite?                                  e. Yes. I like playing computer games.

6. What time do you eat breakfast?                        f. Yes, pretty well.

7. When’s your birthday?                                       g. I picked up the trash.

8. Which game is your favorite?                            h. She’s a nurse. She helps the doctor.

9. What did you do yesterday?                               i. Sure, OK.

10. What’s her job?                                               j. I eat breakfast at half past six.

doc 3 trang comai 13/04/2023 3140
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Hướng dẫn ôn tập môn Tiếng anh lớp 4 - Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Du (Đề số 01)

Hướng dẫn ôn tập môn Tiếng anh lớp 4 - Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Du (Đề số 01)
A. picks	B. pick	C. picked
Let’s play computer games.	- Yes. I like ________ computer games.
A. play	B. played	C. playing
Which game is your favorite? – I love soccer because I like ___________.
A. kicking	B. hitting	C. jumping
This is Jack. He’s from _______________.
A. Australia	B. the USA	C. the UK
What time do you go to school? I go to school at _________.
A. half past six	B. half past seven	C. seven o’clock
What does a builder use? – A builder uses ____________.
A. a hose	B. a paintbrush	C. a hammer
III. Look at the pictures and write the answers.
Where do you want to go?
What time do you watch TV?
2. 	 (7.30)	
What’s his job?
Which game is your favorite?
What does an artist use?
This is ____________.
6. 	Patty 	 
Which game is your favorite?
V. Reorder the words.
1. time / you / music / what / listen / do / to /?
2. half / seven / I / music / at / to / listen / past /.
3. his / job / is / what /?
4. a / he’s / driver. / drives / ambulance / he / the /.
5. is / this / Harry. / from / is / China / he /.
6. climb / do / to / a / tree / you / want /?
7. are / to / what / you / going / i

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