Bài tập ôn tập tại nhà môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Năm học 2020-2021 (Lần 3)

I. Circle the best answer A,B,C or D:

1. It’s time ………………………. breakfast.

       A. to          B. in                C. for                D. eat

2.What …………………………. is it? It’s seven o’clock.

      A. day                 B. time            C. year             D. month

3. What time ……………………… it? It’s ten thirty.

      A. are               B. am                        C.be                D. is

4.It’s time for………………………………?

      A. lunch               B. learn              C.play                  D. dance

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài tập ôn tập tại nhà môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Năm học 2020-2021 (Lần 3)

Bài tập ôn tập tại nhà môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Năm học 2020-2021 (Lần 3)
ay D. Don’t
15.  time do you have lunch? At 11.20
 A. what B.where C.when D.who
16. My father doesn’t work . the evening.
 A. on B.to C. from D. in
17. I don’t .. T.V in the morning.
 A. watches B.watch C. play D.learn
18. He works from 7.30A.M  4.30 P.M.
 A. on B. to C. at D .in
19. Let's ........ hello to the teacher.
 A. go B. say C. know D.to
20. There is ............. dog in my house.
 A. a B. an C. two D.is
21. Give ............... a pen, please.
 A. my B. my's C. me D. I
22. I . reading a book. 
 A. is B. are C. am D. am's
23. This cake . for you, Mary. – Thank you very much.
 A. Is B. are C. a D. an
24. Her house is ..big.
 A. very B. much C. many D. old
24. Tommy is my friend. He’s a ............at Quang Trung Primary School.
 A. morker B. doctor C. farmer D. student
II. Read the passage and then answer the following questions:
 Hi, my name is Peter. This is my father. He gets up at six o’clock. He has breakfast at 6.30 A.M. He goes to work at 7 o’clock. He works from 7.30 A.M to 4.30 P.M. He watches T.V in the evening. He goes to bed at 10.45 P.M. 
1.Who is this? – This.
2. What time does he get up? 
– He gets..
3. What does he do at 6.30?
 – He has
4. What time does he go to work? 
– He goes..
5. How many hours does he work a day?
 – He works.. hours a day.
6. What does he do in the evening?
 – He watches..
7. What does he do at 10.45? – He
8. Where is he at 8.30 A.M?
 – He is
9. Where is he at 8.30 A.M?
 – He is ..
III. Circle the odd one out
1. A. eleven 
B. twelve 
C. twenty 
D. time
2. A. where 
B. what 
C. when 
D. o’clock
3. A. lunch 
B. breakfast 
C. ice-cream 
D. dinner
4. A. evening 
B. morning
C. afternoon 
D. work
5. A. go 
B. watch
C. have 
D. lunch
6. A. school 
B. work 
C. bed 
D. ten
7. A. Monday 
B. Tuesday 
C. January 
D. Friday
8. A. at 
B. from 
C. to 
D. T.V
9. A. hot
B. shorts
C. cold
D. hungry
10. A. arm
B. jeans
C. pants
D. skirt
11. A. milk... _ _ther today ? – It’s sunny today.
2. How many class_ _ are there?
3. It’s cl_ _ _ y today.
4. Where _ _ _ you from ? – I’m from Canada.
5. These cray_ _ _ are for you.
6. My crayons _ _ _ on the table.
7. _ _ you like Arts? - Yes, I do.
8. There are seven _ _ _ _ in a week.
9. _ _ _se are my crayons.
10. Do you h _ _ _ Maths today?
VI. Leave ONE unnecessary letter in these words to make them correct.
1. AFTERANOON    .................AFTERNOON.......................
2. MORENING       .................................................................
3. EVEINING        .................................................................
4. ENGILAND       .................................................................
5. AMEIRICAN      .................................................................
6. CHIELDREN      .................................................................
7. TOEMORROW    .................................................................
8. NATIONALIETY   .................................................................
9. JAPEANESE     .................................................................
10. AUSITRALIA    ................................................................
 WRITE THE WORDS (Viết tập chép)
Go to a party ..
Go to the movies .. ...
Go to the playground .
Eat breakfast ..
Do homework 
January ..
March .
July .
September .
....October ...
November ...
December ..

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  • docbai_tap_on_tap_tai_nha_mon_tieng_anh_lop_5_nam_hoc_2020_2021.doc