Bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (Family & Friends) - Unit 8 : Where’s grandma? - Lesson 5+6: Skills Time

* Vocabularies (từ vựng):  
1. family: gia đình 
2. photo: tấm hình 
3. little: nhỏ 
4. big: to 
A.  Listen and read.
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (Family & Friends) - Unit 8 : Where’s grandma? - Lesson 5+6: Skills Time

Bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (Family & Friends) - Unit 8 : Where’s grandma? - Lesson 5+6: Skills Time
 – 5 
A. Look and read. Put a tick ( V) or a cross (X) in the box. There are two 
 This is a house. 
 This is a hat. 
1 This is a living room. 
2 This is a bathroom. 
3. This is a kitchen. 
4. This is a bedroom. 
5. This is an apartment. 
B. Look and read. Write “Yes” or “No”. 
There is a monkey in the tree. .No.. 
The girl has a bag. Yes.. 
1. There are two green frogs. .. 
2. The girl is wearing jeans. .. 
3. Two ducks are swimming in the water. .. 
4. The boy is playing with a ball. .. 
5. There is a spider on some flowers. .. 
C. Look and read. Write one word answer. 
How many dolls are there in the picture? ..two. 
1. Where is the girl now? On the .. 
2. How many birds are there? . 
3. What does the girl have in her hands? A . 
4. What room is it? A .. 
5. Where is the teddy bear? Between the doll and the  
D. Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to 
numbers 1-5. There is one example. 
 A tree 
I am very big. I’m brown.and (1) .You cannot eat me. You 
find me in a park or a (2)......... .You don’t find me in a room, in a 
(3).. . Birds, small animals and (4)....live in me. 
Boys and (5) like stting under me when it is hot. What am I? I am a 
A. Look and read. Put a tick ( V) or a cross (X) in the box. There are two 
1. X 
2. V 
3. V 
4. X 
5. V 
B Look and read. Write “Yes” or “No”. 
1. Yes 
2. No 
3. Yes 
4. No 
5. Yes 
C. Look and read. Write one word answer. 
1. bed 
2. one 
3. book 
4. bedroom 
5. lamp 
D. Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to 
numbers 1-5. There is one example. 
1. green 
2. garden 
3. house 
4. spider 
5. girls 

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  • pdfbai_day_tieng_anh_lop_2_family_friends_unit_8_wheres_grandma.pdf