Bài tập Tiếng Anh tích hợp Lớp 5 - Grade 5: Review 5

Exercise 1: Read each sentence and decide if it is a simile or a metaphor. Write S
on the line if it is a simile; write M on the line if it is a metaphor.
Ex: She is a cat when she is at home. M
1) He was as big as an elephant. ___
2) I was a tiger ready to pounce. ___
3) My pillow is a floating cloud. ___
4) She has skin soft as silk. ___
5) He had a long face like that of a horse. ___
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Bài tập Tiếng Anh tích hợp Lớp 5 - Grade 5: Review 5
Exercise 2:Write a sentence personifying the object/animal below.
Ex: The Moon stared down at me from up in the sky.
1) The aeroplane ____________________________________________________
2) The lion ____________________________________________________
3) The table ____________________________________________________
4) The tree ____________________________________________________
Read this biographywritten about Alexander Graham Bell.
Personification is when we give human qualities to an object or an
animal. It helps to create pictures in our minds and make actions clear.
The train screamed as it arrived at the station.
The flowers in my garden waved at me.
A biography is an account of someone's life written by someone else.
Famous and interesting people usually have biographies written about them. For
example: Cristiano Ronaldo, Stephen Hawking, Taylor Swift.
Occupation: Inventor
Born: March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Died: August 2, 1922 in Nova Scotia, Canada
Best known for: Inventing the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell is most famous for his invention of the telephone. He first became
interested in the science of sound because both his mother and wife were deaf. His
experiments in sound eventually let him to want to send voice signals down a telegraph
wire. He was able to get some funding and hire his famous assistant Thomas Watson and
together they were able to come up with the telephone. The first words spoken over the
telephone were by Alex on March 10, 1876. They were "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to
see you".
Exercise 3: Below are answers to questions about Alexander Graham Bell. Using the
text to help you, think of questions to go with the answers below. You need to think
carefully about whether they arewhat,where,why, who, when or how questions.
1. When was he born?
March 3, 1987
2. ______________________________________________
Edinburgh, Scotland
3. ______________________________________________

File đính kèm:

  • pdfbai_tap_tieng_anh_tich_hop_lop_5_grade_5_review_5.pdf
  • pdf10. Grade 5 English Review 5 - Answer key.pdf
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