Bài tập Tiếng Anh tích hợp Lớp 5 - Grade 5: Review 3

An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Nouns are words that name a place, aperson, a thing, or an idea. An adjective is a word that gives more information about thenoun that goes with it.
We can use adjectives to describe the characters in the stories we read and write.
Some adjectives are used to describe a character’s appearance (the way they look) and some adjectives are used to describe a character’s personality (the way they think, feel and act).
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Bài tập Tiếng Anh tích hợp Lớp 5 - Grade 5: Review 3
Exercise 2: Give three adjectives to
describe Harry Potter’s appearance and
three adjectives to describe his
We can make adjectives from some nouns by adding y or ful.
Noun = smell Adjective = smelly
Noun = colour Adjective = colourful
Fantasy Stories
Exercise 5: ‘The Mysterious Cupboard’ is a fantasy story. Turn to page 42 and 43 in
your Language book and reread the story.
Lots of adjectives are used in the story. Can you find:
1. Two adjectives to describe the house: ________________and______________
2. Two adjectives to describe the teddy bears:____________and_______________
3. Two adjectives to describe the sand:_____________and________________
Exercise 6: In no more than three sentences tell me how you think this story could
end. If you have already written an ending to this story, then in no more than three
sentences summarise how your story ended.
Fantasy stories often deal with the supernatural, mysterious and magical. They
often involve lots of dialogue, adjectives and imagery.
Modal Verbs of Obligation
Exercise 7: Fill in the blanks withmust or should.
Ex: She must do all her homework before tomorrow.
1. I ___________ probably drink more water.
2. You ____________ not fight in class.
3. Do you think I ___________ go to bed early tonight?
4. “I have no choice but to fight the dragon,” he said. “I _________ do this.”
We use must / should / ought to to talk about obligation, things that are necessary to
do, or to give adv

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  • pdfbai_tap_tieng_anh_tich_hop_lop_5_grade_5_review_3.pdf
  • pdfLớp 5 - Hướng dẫn sử dụng tài liệu ôn tập tại nhà.pdf
  • pdf6. Grade 5 Review 3 - Answer key.pdf