Bài tập Tiếng Anh tích hợp Lớp 5 - Grade 5: Review 1

Parts of Speech
Exercise 1: Circle the verbs and underline the adjectives in these sentences:
Ex: I ran to the beautiful lake slowly.
1. He ate the delicious cake quickly.
2. The magnificent tiger roared loudly.
3. The teacher shouted angrily at the noisy children.
Exercise 2: Circle the nouns and underline the adverbs in these sentences:
Ex: I ran to the beautiful lake slowly.
1. He ate the delicious cake quickly.
2. The magnificent tiger roared loudly.
3. The teacher shouted angrily at the noisy children.
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Bài tập Tiếng Anh tích hợp Lớp 5 - Grade 5: Review 1
into abstract nouns
Some adjectives end in ent.
You can make these adjectives into abstract nouns by:
1. Dropping the ‘ent’ = differ___
2. Adding ‘ence’ = difference
Exercise 4: Change these adjectives into abstract nouns:
Ex: different difference
1. silent _______________
2. obedient _______________
3. confident _______________
4. indifferent _______________
5. violent ________________
Present Perfect Tense
Subject + has/have + past participle
I have been to Thailand.
She has eaten bún chả.
They have climbed Mount Everest.
Exercise 5: Circle the correct form of the verb to have:
1. She has/have been to Disneyland.
2. They has/have gone to the cinema.
3. I has/have never won first place in a competition.
4. We has/have just seen a ghost!
Exercise 6: Fill in the blank with the present perfect form of the verb in parentheses.
Ex: I have gone (go) to Singapore 3 times.
1. We____________________(see) a tiger.
2. You______________________________(drink) all the orange juice!
3. ________you___________(try) rock climbing?
4. I_________________________(buy) you a present.
5. She_____________________(not/be) to Australia.
Present Perfect or Present Simple?
Exercise 7:
 Choose the past simple or the present perfect to complete the sentence.
 Sometimes you will need to add more than one word.
 Think about if the action has finished, or if it continues until now.
 Use the words in brackets to help you.
Ex: He walked 10 km 2 days ago.
1. Last year I________________________(visit) my grandparents in Hanoi.
2. So far I___________________________(be) very good today, but there is still the
afternoon to come.
3. She__________________________(never/play) Roblox before.
4. Yesterday they ___________________(go) to the cinema.

File đính kèm:

  • pdfbai_tap_tieng_anh_tich_hop_lop_5_grade_5_review_1.pdf
  • pdfLớp 5 - Hướng dẫn sử dụng tài liệu ôn tập tại nhà.pdf
  • pdf2. Grade 5 English Review 1 - Answer key.pdf