Bài tập Tiếng Anh tích hợp Lớp 5 - Grade 5: Maths Review

3. Round these numbers to the nearest thousand.
1356 ____________
2312 _____________
33292 _____________

4. Round these numbers to the nearest whole number.
13.7 ______
289.5 ______
623.4 ______
45.9 ______

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Bài tập Tiếng Anh tích hợp Lớp 5 - Grade 5: Maths Review
ds . She shared them
equally between her 6 friends. How many cards
did each friend get?
13. Adam is thinking of a 2D shape.
What shape is he thinking of?
14. Draw all lines of symmetry on these shapes.
It’s got 10 sides and
10 corners. The sides
are all equal.
15. Write the correct names of these shapes.
________________ ______________ ______________
16. Name these types of angles.
_______________ ______________ _______________
17. Mark any parallel lines on the shape using the correct
symbol (>).
18. Label these different types of triangle.
_________________ ________________ _______________
19a. Write the coordinates for points A, B, C and D.
19b. Plot point E at coordinate ( -5, -2).
20. Read the information and answer the question.
Plot the coordinates and
draw a rectangle. What is
the missing coordinate?
(-5, 2), (-5, -2), (2,-2) ______
A = ( , )
B = ( , )
C = ( , )
D = ( , )
21. Here is a number sequence.
72 75 78 81
What is the missing number? _________
22. Look at the following sequence.
n 1 2 3 4
sequence 6 9 12 15
The formula for this sequence is 3n + 3
What would be the 100th number in this sequence?
23. Read the information and answer the questions.
Jane has a shop selling toys.
These are the soft toys she sells:
Totoro $62 Pikachu $44 Rex $23
23a. How much does it cost for one Totoro and one Rex toy?
23b. Andy buys one Pikachu toy. He pays with $50. How
much change will he receive?
23c. The shop has a sale. The toys have 10% off.
How much will each toy cost after the discount?
Complete the table.
Old Price New Price
Totoro $62
Pikachu $44
Rex $23
24. Here is a list of numbers.
Circle all of the square numbers.
12 34 25 36 49 50
25. These numbers are cube numbers.
Fill in the gaps.
1 8 64 216
26a. Read the scale.
What is the mass of the nuts?
26b. What is the volume of the liquid?
27. Convert these fractions to decimals.

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