Bài tập Tiếng Anh tích hợp Lớp 5 - Grade 5: English Review 2

1st person pronouns
We use these pronouns as a sentence subject when talking about ourselves, or about groups in which we belong.
Example: I played football yesterday.
Example: We played monopoly last night.
Note that 'I' and 'We' are used as the subject within this sentence.
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Bài tập Tiếng Anh tích hợp Lớp 5 - Grade 5: English Review 2
e spoke to her about the homework.
2Possessive adjectives
Possessives are used to attribute ownership of nouns to both the object and
subject pronouns. (my, his, her, its, our, their)
Example: I spoke to him about his homework.
Example: I spoke to the teacher about my homework.
Circle the first person pronouns and underline the 3rd person pronouns, or nouns.
Then fill in the gaps with the correct possessive adjectives.
1. I played football with my dad.
2. John played football with _____dad.
3. The twins took turns eating_______birthday cake.
4. We put______money together to buy a teddy bear.
5. She whispered a secret to_______best friend.
3II. Direct speech and Indirect (reported) speech
Convert the direct speech to indirect speech.
1. “I’m hungry,” said Ben.
2. “What’s the time?” asked Tina.
3. “I am not happy,” shouted the furious teacher.
Direct Speech:
 uses speech marks
 uses punctuation (comma,
full-stop, question mark, or
exclamation mark) before
the second speech mark
 uses the speaker’s actual
 new speaker, new line
Reported Speech:
 doesn’t use speech marks
 changes pronouns, and often also changes word
 changes verb tenses (and time phrases if
 usually starts by telling you who spoke
 often uses “that” – but you can omit it
 Sometimes other words need to be changed or
added, so that the sentence makes sense.
Direct speech is when you write the actual words that a person has spoken.
We show this by putting speech marks (“ ”) around the spoken words.
Example: “We have contact!” said Buzz Aldrin.
Indirect speech (or reported speech) is when you write about (or report)
what a person has said, without using the actual words spoken, so you don’t
need speech marks.
Example: Buzz Aldrin said that they had contact.
4Convert the indirect speech to direct speech.
1. Lucy said that she was tired.
2. Ronaldo said that he was the best football player in the world.
3. Hulk shouted that he was so angry...going to make it to the party on time.
Phrase Bank
get up
turn on
speed up
broken down
get rid
'get up' and 'turn on' are phrasal verbs. They include a verb and a preposition. The
meaning is different from the verb.
There are no rules to learn phrasal verbs, you just need to learn them by trying to
understand the situation.
6Grade 5 - English - Review 7
I. Present continuous tense
Complete the sentences with the present continuous form in brackets.
1. They____________(play) football.
2. She_______________(watch) TV at the moment.
3. Stop talking! I___________(try) to think.
4. I promise, I ____________(not/cheat) on the test.
5. You__________(be) too noisy.
6. You can borrow my toy, I_____________(not/play) with it right now.
7. We______________(bake) a cake.
8. It’s too cold, so they_____________(not/swim) in the pool right now.
7II. Present continuous with future meaning
Below are present continuous sentences with future meaning. Fill in the gaps.
1. I_______________English tonight.
a) am studying
b) are studying
c) is studying
d) study
2. We_________________on holiday tomorrow.
a) is going
b) gone
c) are going
d) are gone
3. What_______________after school?
a) is you doing
b) are you do
c) are you done
d) are you doing
We can use the present continuous to talk about the future.
The form is the same: subject + ‘be’ + ‘ing’ verb.
We only get the future meaning when a time word is used in the sentence.
I’mworking next Saturday.
She is going to the cinema this evening.
What are you doing tomorrow?
84. She_________________her grandparents next weekend.
a) visited
b) is visiting
c) are visiting
d) visit
5. I________________tennis tomorrow because I hurt my hand.
a) not playing
b) am not playing
c) can not playing
d) isn't playing
III. Facts and Opinions
A fact is a statement you can prove to be true.
'B' is the second letter in the alphabet.
Friday is the day after Thursday.
An opinion is so...n their space
capsule parachuted back to Earth in the Kazakh desert in Kazakhstan on Friday.
“I’m just so overwhelmed and happy right now,” Koch said, sitting in a chair wrapped in blankets as she
waited to be carried into a medical tent to restore her balance in gravity.
Space experts said the three astronauts were all in good shape.

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