Bài tập ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Tuần 21 - Trường tiểu học Nguyễn Văn Bá

Complete the sentences: 
1. One boy is reading a book under the ................................. 
2. The girls are playing .................................... . 
 Answer the questions: 
3. What’s the weather like? 
4. What are the three boys doing? 
 Now write a sentence about the picture: 
5. ........................................................................................... 

pdf 7 trang Mạnh Hưng 18/12/2023 960
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài tập ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Tuần 21 - Trường tiểu học Nguyễn Văn Bá

Bài tập ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Tuần 21 - Trường tiểu học Nguyễn Văn Bá
weather like today? 
2. What’s the weather like today? 
3. What’s the weather like today? 
4. What’s the weather like today? 
What’s the weather like? 
 It’s .............................. 
Grade 3 
A. Look and read and write. 
Complete the sentences: 
1. One boy is reading a book under the ................................. 
2. The girls are playing .................................... . 
 Answer the questions: 
3. What’s the weather like? 
4. What are the three boys doing? 
 Now write a sentence about the picture: 
5. ........................................................................................... 
Grade 3 
B.Look at the picture and read the story. Write some wordsto complete 
the sentences about the story.You can write 1, 2, or 3 words. 
P.E class 
“ We are going to play volleyball today. Please divide yourselves into two teams,” 
the P.E teacher said. 
“ I will be in the Green team,” Fred said, putting on the green uniform. 
“Then I will play for the Yellow team,” John said, picking up the yellow uniform. 
The game started, and the ball went back and forth between the two teams. All the 
players were very excited. A few minutes later, Fred hit a ball strongly. John 
jumped up to block the ball but he fell over. 
1. The students divided themselves into ....................................... 
2. Fred was in ................................................................................ 
3. John’s uniform was .................................................... 
4. The ball went ...

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