Bài tập ôn tập môn Tiếng anh Lớp 3 - Trường tiểu học Nguyễn Du (Đề số 01)

IV. Reorder:

  1. living room/ is/ there/ a/ in/ car/ the.


  1. kitchen/ four/ there/ balls/ the/ in/ are.


  1. house/ are/ my/ in/ there/ rooms/ six.


  1. bedroom/ five/ are/ there/ the/ in/ robots.


  1. is/ what/ this?


  1. Tom’s/ is/ robot/ It.


  1. doll/ is/ It/ Lucy’s


  1. can/ What/ see/ you?


  1. big/ I/ a/ balloon/ see/ can.


  1. small/ a/ see/ I/ can/ flower.


doc 10 trang comai 13/04/2023 3360
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài tập ôn tập môn Tiếng anh Lớp 3 - Trường tiểu học Nguyễn Du (Đề số 01)

Bài tập ôn tập môn Tiếng anh Lớp 3 - Trường tiểu học Nguyễn Du (Đề số 01)
 the box.
Where is the _____________?
It’s in the cupboard.
7. 8 
It’s Mai’s _____________
It’s Nam’s _____________
9. 10. 
III. Fill in and match:
1.tr_ck	a. Chiếc thuyền
2.b_x	b. Con quái vật
3.b_ke	c. Máy bay
4.k_te	d. Xe tải
5.b_seb_ll	e. Quả bóng chày
6.t_ddy b_ _ r	f. Cái hộp
7.pl_ne	g. Gấu bông
8.b_sk_tb_ll	h. Xe đạp
9.m_nst_r	i. Quả bóng rổ 
10.b_ _ t	j. Con diều
IV. Reorder:
living room/ is/ there/ a/ in/ car/ the.
kitchen/ four/ there/ balls/ the/ in/ are.
house/ are/ my/ in/ there/ rooms/ six.
bedroom/ five/ are/ there/ the/ in/ robots.
is/ what/ this?
Tom’s/ is/ robot/ It.
doll/ is/ It/ Lucy’s
can/ What/ see/ you?
big/ I/ a/ balloon/ see/ can.
small/ a/ see/ I/ can/ flower.
robot/ see/ a/ can/ small/ I.
desk/ the/ put/ photo/ the/ on
in/ the/ the/ box/ doll/ put
cupboard/ the/ the/ put/ baseball/ in
the/ Where/ doll/ is?
box/ the/ the/ is/ in/doll
kite/ is/ Where/ the?
in/the/ the/ cup...ou want to eat?
9. 10. 
Look at the pictures, fill in the blank:
1. 2. 
Can I eat some ________________?
Yes, ________________
Can I eat some ________________?
Yes, ________________
Can I eat some ________________?
Yes, ________________
3. 4. 
Can I eat some ________________?
Yes, ________________
5. 6. 
Would you like some ________________? __________________________
Can I eat some ________________? __________________________
7. 8. 
Would you like some ________________? __________________________
Would you like some ________________? __________________________
9. 10. 
Can I eat some ________________? __________________________
11. 12. 
Would you like some ________________? __________________________
Can I eat some ________________? __________________________
Would you like some ________________? __________________________
13. 14. 
Have some ___________________!
Have some ___________________!
Look at the picture, fill in the blanks with the correct letters:
br _ _ d
m _ _ t
c _ k _
sh _ r _
br _ _d
y _ g _ rt
s _ ndw _ ch
p _ t _ t _es 
j _ _ ce
sm _ _ th _ e
c _ r _ _ l
1.Can I have some sausages please?	a. Thank you.
2.What do you want to eat?	b. May I have meat?
3.Would you like some milk?	c. Yes, here you are.
4.Have some pancakes?	d. Yes, please.
ice cream/ Would/ like/ some/ you?
like/ Would/ some/ you/ pizza?
chocolate/ some/ Have?
some/ Have/ fries!
are/ yes/ you/ here.
welcome/ you/ are.
smoothie/ like/ Would/ some/ y...______________________________________________
bread/ like/ Would/ some/ you?
have/ some/ can/ I/ please/ eggs?
Read the text and fill the blank:
My name is Phong. This is my house. It is big. There are 5 rooms in my house: a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. There is a big picture in the living room. My favourite room is my bedroom. It is small. There are some books and pens on the desk. I have many toys. There are ten robots in the cupboard. And there is a big ball on the desk. I love playing with my toys.
His name is Phong
His house is _____________
There are five _____________ in his house.
There are a big _____________ in the living room.
His favourite room is ______________
There are ten robots in the ________________
There are some ______________ and ________________ on the desk.

File đính kèm:

  • docbai_tap_on_tap_mon_tieng_anh_lop_3_truong_tieu_hoc_nguyen_du.doc