Bài giảng English 5 - Unit 8: The best bed

Tính từ ngắn (short adjective) là tính từ có một âm tiết.

Ví dụ: long, short, tall, young, big, hard, soft, hot, cold....

Tính từ dài (long adjective) là tính từ có hơn một âm tiết.

Ví dụ: comfortable,beautiful, modern, expensive, interesting...

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Bài giảng English 5 - Unit 8: The best bed
x: John is shorter than Tom. 
- Đối với tính từ dài : more / less + adjective + than 
 beautiful more beautiful 
 expensive more expensive 
 comfortable more comfortable 
Ex: The old bed is less expensive than the airplane bed . 
 The airplane bed is more expensive than the old bed. 
- Đối với tính từ tận cùng bằng ‘’y’’, đổi ‘’y’’ thành ‘’i’’ rồi thêm ‘’er’’ 
 happy happier 
 friendly friendlier 
 lovely lovelier 
Ex: We are happier than their friends. 
- Một số trường hợp bất quy tắc 
 good better 
 bad worse 
 far farther/further 
Ex: Your ideas are better than mine. 
- Đối với tính từ ngắn : the + adjective+ est 
s hort the shortest 
young the youngest 
b ig the biggest 
Ex: John is the shortest person in my class. 
- Đối với tính từ dài : the most / least + adjective 
b eautiful the most/least beautiful 
e xpensive the most/ least expensive 
c omfortable the most/least comfortable 
Ex: This old bed is the least expensive in our room. 
- Đối với tính từ tận cùng bằng ‘’y’’, đổi ‘’y’’ thành ‘’i’’ rồi thêm ‘’est ’’ 
h appy the happiest 
f riendly the friendliest 
lovely the loveliest 
Ex: We are the happiest people in this village . 
- Một số trường hợp bất quy tắc 
g ood the best 
b ad the worst 
f ar the farthest/furthest 
Ex: Your idea is the best. 
I.Choose the correct answer . 
1. This is the (better/ best) computer in our shop . 
2. Pat's car is (faster/ fastest) than Dan's . 
3. John is (less/ least) interesting than Mike . 
4. Does Fred feel (weller/ better) today than he did yesterday ? 
5. My cat is the (prettier/ prettiest) in this village. 
6 . That is a (good/ best) camera . 
II.Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the words in brackets. 
1. Learning to speak a language is often much (easy) _____________________ than learning to write it. 
2. This hotel must be (expensive)____________________ than the small one next door. 
3 .

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