Bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 (Get it up) - Theme 4: My last vacation

I. Read and write the correct words from part 1 on the lines. 
1. There are lots of trees here. ________________ 
2. People make this in front of a building to make a beautiful view.____________ 
3. There are a lot of houses, rivers and trees in this place.  _______________ 
4. This is smaller than a lake, often artificial made. _________________ 
5. This is very large, contains salt water but smaller than an ocean.  ____________ 
6. The water flows naturally in a fixed route to make this, usually at ground level. 
7. They are larger than hills and their top is covered in snow. _______________ 
8. Children like to come here to swim in summer. ____________________ 
9. The air in this place is usually fresh and clean. __________________ 
10. People can enjoy fishing and going boating here. It’s usually natural. ________ 
II. Fill in the blanks: (điền từ còn thiếu ở mỗi cột)
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 (Get it up) - Theme 4: My last vacation

Bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 (Get it up) - Theme 4: My last vacation
lly at ground level. 
7. They are larger than hills and their top is covered in snow. _______________ 
8. Children like to come here to swim in summer. ____________________ 
9. The air in this place is usually fresh and clean. __________________ 
10. People can enjoy fishing and going boating here. It’s usually natural. 
II. Fill in the blanks: (điền từ còn thiếu ở mỗi cột) 
Present Past 
1. start 
2. love 
3. hated 
4. want 
5. used 
6. lived 
7. finish 
8. take 
9. have 
10. read 
 III. Complete the table in simple past. 
Affirmative Negative Interrogative 
He wrote a book. 
 Bill didn’t sing. 
 Was she pretty? 
 We didn’t move to a 
new house. 
He did his homework. 
 Did you see my 
 Did they visit their 
Tom was tired. 
 You weren’t happy. 
He had an old hat. 
IV. Put the verb in brackets in the simple past. 
1. Anna.(eat) apples last night. 
2. I.(play) soccer last Sunday. 
3. Max.( go) to school with his brother. 
4. My dad.(wash) his car yesterday. 
5. He.(sing) a song. 
6. The dogs.(run) in the garden. 
7. My mom.(not, buy) a new bike for me. 
8. Holly.(read) books last night. 
9. My sister.(not, play) video games with me. 
10. Tom .(fly) a kite with his dad. 
11. The cat.(not, catch) mice yesterday. 
12. My friend.(help) her mom cook meal. 
13. Ben and me.(study) together last night. 
14. You.(have) homework last weekend. 
15. .he.(have) a pen? 
16. .you.(like) my dress? 
17. .it.(drink) milk? 
18. .they.(do) their exercises? 
19. .my parents.(watch) TV in the living room? 
20. .your mom.(work) in the hospital? 
 V. Look and write 
1. The family is having.. 
2. Mom is standing between  
3. What is the girl wearing?  
4. Where is the clock? .. 
5. Write two sentences about the picture: 
VI. Read and write the missing words (for classes 5/4 to 5/8) 
Answer key 
I. Read and write the correct words from part 1 on the lines. 
1. forest 6. stream 
2. f...
1. ate 2.ate 
3. went 4.washed 
5.sang 6.ran 
7. didn’t buy 8.read 
9. didn’t play 10.flied 
11. didn’t catch 12.helped 
13. studied 14.had 
15. Didhave 16. Didlike 
17. Diddrink 18. Diddo 
19. Didwatch 20. Didwork 
V. Look and write 
1. dinner 
2. the girl and the drawers 
3. She’s wearing a red T – shirt/ green pants/ green trousers/ white sneakers 
4. It’s on the refrigerator./ fridge. 
5. There are 3 people. (Học sinh được viết theo ý mình, đúng ngữ pháp và có 
nghĩa là đúng.) 
V. Read and write 
1. looked 3. with 5. past 
2. finish 4. have 

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  • pdfbai_day_tieng_anh_lop_5_get_it_up_theme_4_my_last_vacation.pdf