Bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 (Family & Friends) - Unit 8:It’s hot today! - Lesson 2 (Continue)

Cách sử dụng câu mệnh lệnh trong tiếng Anh.  
Ví dụ:  
1. Khi yêu cầu ai làm một việc gì, chúng ta bắt đầu bằng động từ như open, put on. Hãy mặc áo khoác vào, chúng ta nói “Put on your coat”. Hãy mở sách ra, chúng ta nói “Open your book.”  

2. Khi yêu cầu ai đừng, không làm một việc gì, chúng ta bắt đầu bằng Don’t với động từ như Don’t open, Don’t put on. Đừng mặc áo khoác vào, chúng ta nói “Don’t put on your coat”. Đừng mở sách ra, chúng ta nói “Don’t open 
your book.” 

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 (Family & Friends) - Unit 8:It’s hot today! - Lesson 2 (Continue)

Bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 (Family & Friends) - Unit 8:It’s hot today! - Lesson 2 (Continue)
A. Match the clothes and activities to the weather. 
put on /open 
fly a kite 
go outside 
B. Write 
1. ............................ the window. 
2. ............................. your shoes. 
3. ............................ your coat. 
4. ............................. your hat. 
5. ............................ your umbrella. 
C. Write 
1. It’s hot and sunny today. ...................................... your sun hat. 
put on /open 
put on / don’t put on / close / don’t close 
2. It’s raining outside. ............................................... the window. 
3. It’s snowing. .................................................... your coat. 
4. It’s six o’clock in the morning. It’s very cold outside. ..................................... 
your coat. 
5. Here is the weather at nine o’clock. It’s raining now. ..................................... 
your raincoat. 
6. It’s sunny now. ..................................... your sunglasses. 
D. Look and read and write. 
Complete the sentences: 
1. The three boys are playing ..................................................... 
2. The woman is holding an ........................................................ 
3. There are three ......................................................................... 
Answer the question: 
4. What’s the weather like? 
E. Match the clothes and activities to the weather. 
put on /open 
fly a kite 
go outside 
F. Write 
1. open the window. 
2. Put on your shoes. 
3. Put on your coat. 
1. Put on your hat. 
2. Open your umbrella. 
G. Write 
1. It’s hot and sunny today. Put on your sun hat. 
2. It’s raining outside. Close the window. 
put on /open 
put on / don’t put on / close / don’t close 
3. It’s snowing. Put on your coat. 
4. It’s six o’clock in the morning. It’s very cold outside. Put on your 

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  • pdfbai_day_tieng_anh_lop_3_family_friends_unit_8its_hot_today_l.pdf